Image is sketch of a megaphone over yellow background. Text reads "Have you ever seen the #DocktorsAreDickheads hashtag on social media? People identifying as chronically ill or as medical professionals are invited to participate in a short survey about their experiences with online discussions of patient-physician relationships. This survey is completely voluntary and will take approximately 10 minutes. This study "Understanding and LEarning from Patient Testimonials in Online Communities", has been reviewed by Purdue University IRB 2023-985. Contact the Principle Investigator, Rua M. Williams at with any questions."

Doctors Are Dickheads

Image is sketch of a megaphone over yellow background. Text reads "Have you ever seen the #DocktorsAreDickheads hashtag on social media? People identifying as chronically ill or as medical professionals are invited to participate in a short survey about their experiences with online discussions of patient-physician relationships. This survey is completely voluntary and will take approximately 10 minutes. This study "Understanding and LEarning from Patient Testimonials in Online Communities", has been reviewed by Purdue University IRB 2023-985. Contact the Principle Investigator, Rua M. Williams at with any questions."

Have you had difficult interactions with medical professionals? Are you a medical professional that is concerned about patient-physician relationships? Do you remember the #DoctorsAreDickheads hashtag on social media? Did you ever participate in conversations about #PatientsAreDickheads on Reddit? If you said yes to any of these, we want to hear from you! Please consider participating in our survey. At the end of the survey, you can let us know if you’d like to talk to talk with us about your experiences. Our project is looking into effective strategies for patients and physicians to collaborate on advocacy for better medical care policies.




